I create a safe, caring environment for every session and I am always available by phone and email after each session in order to offer support and guidance as and when needed.
Past Life Exploration
Each session last up to 2 hours and includes a CD of your recorded session, for you to take home.
During the session, we explore past experiences that help explain who you are today. We explore what makes you tick and how you can achieve the best of your potential. We can also explore cases of Deja vu. Contact me to talk this through and I will answer any questions you may have.
Future Life exploration
Future Life exploration goes one step further and you may explore how to use the discovered potential and bring yourself the success you feel you deserve. Use Future Life exploration for helping make that difficult life changing decision. e.g change of career, relationship issues, moving home or country. Also useful for those seeking a new sense of direction in their lives.
Past-Life Therapy
Each session lasts up to 2 hours and is approached differently from exploration. Here we go to the origin of an unresolved problem, such as post traumatic stress, recurring dreams, relationship problems, nightmares and unexplained long term pain.
In a safe environment, I assist and guide you to realise and resolve issues that may have been bothering you for just a short while, or all of your life. Each person and problem is different and together we discuss and agree in advance, how many sessions you will need.
Meditation Guidance and Tuition
I hold a diploma in teaching meditation. I hold meditation classes (prices vary) as well as working on a one-to-one basis for £35.00 per hour. Meditation is a powerful tool to create a sense of deep relaxation, harmony and balance, something we all need in our stressful lives. Meditation can assist everyone of us and help us feel more relaxed using various techniques that create a sense of having had an ’instant’ holiday. Using guided visualisations or calming music, or working with colour or sound, each client has different needs and so each meditation is created especially for you as an individual. Particularly useful for those with high blood pressure, those who have difficulty with time management, or even just finding time for oneself. Busy mums, business people, those taking exams. Meditation also helps those recovering from illness and those who need to reflect how to change their lives - or just relax.
Hypnosis helps with many issues some of which include:
Stop Smoking, Weight Loss, Depression and Sadness, Phobias, Anger, Fear of Flying, Stress, Anxiety, Lack of Confidence, Sports Performance, Sleep Problems, Panic Attacks, IBS, Driving test and Exam nerves, Career Guidance, Pain, Relationship Issues, Grief and Bereavement.
Hypnosis is natural and completely safe. While some results may come in the first session, it may take several sessions depending upon how deep the issue and your ability to open yourself to the process and to your therapist. As long as you are able to trust your hypnotherapist and your desire is in agreement with your deepest self, you will see results. There is great healing available from within yourself, we all have it. You can access it yourself through meditation. A good hypnotherapist is simply a vehicle to open this access to your highest self. There is no possibility of the therapist ’taking over’ the client’s mind. It is the client that controls their own state of awareness at all times.
There is a great misconception to hypnosis that the client will be unaware of what is going on. This is absolutely not true as it is exactly the same as when we are engrossed in a book or film and somebody calls for us. We can answer the other person without withdrawing our focus and feelings from our book or film. So, hypnosis is focused concentration. It is a natural state we go in and out of several times a day. During therapy we can use hypnosis as a tool to access our subconscious mind and change negative patterns into positive patterns of behaviour, enabling self empowerment and continuous personal growth.
Please feel free to contact and talk this through with me if you think hypnosis may be of help to you.
My training, work experience and any achievement
Sally Ann Gray
Dip.Hyp, Dip.RTh, Dip.Med.Teacher
I am a qualified practitioner in Past-Life Regression therapy and a qualified practitioner in hypnotherapy, including hypnobirthing.
I teach meditational techniques and use these with people from all walks of life.
I hold a Diploma in Regression Therapy (Dip.Rth), a Diploma in Hypnotherapy (Dip.Hyp) and a Diploma in Teaching Meditation (Dip.Med.Teacher).
I am a professional member of the European Association of Regression Therapists (EARTh.
I am a member of the International Association Regression Research & Therapies. ( IARRT).
A member of the Spiritual Regression Therapy Association (SRTA)
A member and practitioner of the General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR).
I teach at classes and workshops:
Intuition & Awareness, Learning to Meditate,
Exploring Past Life workshops and Current Life workshops.
I speak at after dinner events.
I am also available for one-to-one and Skype Soul Path Tarot readings & Spiritual Counselling.
Please contact me for details.
Further Information
Please feel free to call my clinic to discuss your options. If I am with a client the answer machine will take your call, so please leave a message. I will return your call as soon as I am able.
*** Special Rates for Ex-service personnel and veterans:
Past Life Regression @ £50 per 2 hour session
Future Life Exploration @ £50.00 per 2 hour session
Meditation Tuition and Guidance @ £20 per 1 hour session
Hypnotherapy @ £30 per 1 hour session
*** Please talk to me about reduced rates, if you are on income support, or you are suffering from reduced income because of serious illness, such as cancer.
*** All bookings will receive a free consultation in advance of the first session, either by phone or Skype camera phone. The choice is yours.
Customer Reviews
Patricia, Hampshire, May 08 2013
Sally Ann is brilliant!
I have suffered from depression and deep grief for years. No amount of counselling or tablets could remove the pain. I went to see Sally Ann who enabled me to find and deal with the route of my problem. She used a variety of techniques over several sessions. I always felt safe to explore my inner self with her. Now I look forward to every day with a lighter heart and feel so much happier. The dark emotions have gone. My life has changed for the better and I wish I had done this years ago. I can highly recommend Sally Ann. She is wonderful!
Jenny , Eastbourne, April 25 2013
I have struggled with IBS since childhood and at times it was unmanageable. I went to Sally Ann for Past life therapy to see if my IBS problems came in with me.
I was a bit apprehensive at first, not knowing what to expect but she quickly put me at ease and explained that I was always in control of the process.
She is highly skilled at what she does and the detailed intake questionnaire was very useful for me to pinpoint the nature of the problem, the circumstances and possible emotional context as well as detailed soul searching about other issues around family.
After the first session, Sally Ann gave me a CD of the session and set me ’homework’ to really ground the process. I had a couple of fascinating ’ah-ha’ moments. I would certainly recommend her for her professional and compassionate approach to her work.
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